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Summer Program

Our summer program will engage in work-based, experiential learning directed by our students with well-defined parameters guided by exceptional teachers assisted by inspirational college mentors and enthusiastic high school apprentices. Our middle-school learners will rotate through farm-based chores that benefit the rescue animals living at the farm and that contribute to our environmental stewardship goals. There will be weekly projects focused on three key career clusters: animal science, horticulture, and construction & engineering. The team-based focal projects chosen by the students will also fall into one of these sectors.



Summer is also a time for fun! While we are confident our learning and work projects will provide enjoyment, we will also offer water recreation, games, and singing - all the enrichment activities our children need and deserve in the summer! We will also build in quiet time for reading and rest - much needed after hard work, fresh air, good food, and active fun.




Cobble Hill Farm Education & Rescue Center

580 Henderson Rd

Williamstown, MA 01267

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